Category Archives: Symbols

Where’s My Wallet??

A friend of mine recently dreamt that he couldn’t find his wallet. It was one of those scenarios where you know where it’s supposed to be, but it’s not there and have no idea where it could have gone. When … Continue reading

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The Pig and the Tower

“Anne” dreamt about a specific small animal. At first, she tried to capture it, but then it grew so big it tried to attack her. See how this was interpreted, what was discovered, and what actions “Anne” took in her … Continue reading

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Mirror, Mirror . . .

The Latin word for mirror (speculum) has given us the verb “to speculate”; and originally speculation was scanning the sky and the related movement of the stars by means of a mirror. The Latin for star (sidus) has also give … Continue reading

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The Dreaded Toilet

Last night I had a dream that I was putting something in the toilet. Usually when we dream about toilets it’s about having to use them. Using a toilet in public can point to the need for privacy. There are … Continue reading

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Symbols: Then and Now

While symbol catalogs are a wonderful, I liken them to the alphabet. They are key to writing the message, but they are not the message.  For instance, I have several clients who dream of driving cars. Look this up as … Continue reading

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The Symbol of Water Always Means . . .

  In dreams, symbols are both universal and personal. Two people dreaming the same symbol do not dream of the same thing. Take the situation of two dreamers who both dreamed of natural disasters. First, they each reacted quite differently. … Continue reading

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